Letter To Myself

by - 7:15 PTG

Dear Amalina in the future,

If you feel like to give up,
You got everyone behind you,
beside you, left and right.

Your mama is your angle,
thru ups and down.
Your abah is your hero,

fight and let you feel safe.

If you feel pressure with surrounding,
You can thru this,
You are strong,
You such an amazing woman.

You do this all,
because of Allah.
Just remember that!
As long as you believe or do because of Him,
You may thru this,
You can!

You choose this journey,
Nobody force you,
Is your decision,
So why you wanna regret?
This journey may seen tough but,
I know you know how to handle.

After all,
your tears is under your pillow,
will dry later,
Everything will paid off later with a lot of pretty things.

Just STAY and SABR.
Allah, Mama, and Abah always there.

4th January 2019.

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